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February 23, 2024

February 23, 2024

Four Seed IP attorneys to attend INTA's 146th Annual Meeting | May 18-22, Atlanta, GA

Four attorneys from Seed IP Law Group are scheduled to attend the International Trademark Association (INTA) 146th Annual Meeting, an in-person conference taking place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia, from May 18-22. INTA's Annual Meeting is the trademark community’s premier event for networking, continuing legal education, cutting edge legal and business discussions, and committee and client meetings. More than 10,000 brand owners and intellectual property (IP) professionals from across industries are set to gather in Atlanta for this highly influential in-person conference. Attendees leave the conference with fresh perspectives, best practices, critical insights, knowledge about new market trends, and a myriad of business development opportunities.

Attending from Seed IP:

Kevin S. Costanza | Managing Partner, Seed IP Law Group | Member, INTA Law Firm Committee | Chair, INTA Technology Subcommittee (part of INTA Law Firm Committee)

Russell C. Pangborn | Partner, Seed IP Law Group | Member, INTA Enforcement Committee | Former INTA Officer and Board Member

Jared M. Barrett | Partner, Seed IP Law Group | Member, INTA Designs Committee

Emily (Emma) Elder | Associate, Seed IP Law Group


Official website, agenda, and registration for 146th INTA Annual Meeting | May 18–22.

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