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February 16, 2024

February 16, 2024

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Seed IP partner Hayley Talbert speaks about patent portfolio management at AIPLA's Patent Agents Committee

Seed IP partner Hayley Talbert recently presented on the topic of patent portfolio management at AIPLA's (American Intellectual Property Law Association) Patent Agents Committee meeting. Hayley's presentation, "Tips and Tricks for Patent Portfolio Management," took place at 9:00 a.m. PST on February 15, 2024. Hayley discussed ways to balance and process the competing demands that arise in a patent portfolio. From managing maintenance fee payments to juggling strategies across multiple jurisdictions, she provided tips and tricks for helping one's clients make decisions and allocate resources to meet their clients' needs. 

PowerPoint | "Tips and Tricks for Patent Portfolio Management"

Hayley has sixteen years of experience in the IP industry, working domestically and internationally. Her passion lies in connecting with and motivating the next generation of attorneys and agents. Hayley is currently Co-Chair of the Law School Link Program, working to connect law students with AIPLA to build mentoring and educational programs that will excite and invigorate future attorneys and agents.

Read more about Hayley Talbert.

Read more about AIPLA.

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