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April 23, 2023

April 23, 2023

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Seed IP sponsors inaugural Madrona Venture Group General Counsel (GC) Summit – May 17

Seed IP Law Group is a proud sponsor of the inaugural Madrona Venture Group General Counsel Summit, taking place on May 17, from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., at the Columbia Tower Club, 701 Fifth Avenue, Seattle. The Madrona GC Summit is geared towards in-house counsel (GCs), law firm sponsors, and Madrona attendees, who gather for a day full of intentional networking, interactive legal discussions, and inspirational content with a wonderful community of legal leaders from a variety of industries. David Zapolsky, General Counsel of Amazon, will be the featured fireside chat, plus there will be several experienced GC panelists speaking on a variety of timely legal topics. GCs from over 75 organizations are already confirmed to attend.

Attending the event from Seed IP are:

Shoko Leek | Partner, Seed IP Law Group LLP

Hayley Talbert | Partner, Seed IP Law Group LLP

Learn more about Madrona Venture Group.

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